“Poor & unknown, do not any longer consider yourself scorned; you will be greater among your powerful neighbors, for the Lord has looked upon you with love.”

People of the place were courageous, obstinate,, enduring, deeply religious, strong in faith, who were in perfect agreement with the will of God, without ant if, but or why.
SJT Foundresses
The young six peasant girls were Marie Dupuy, Dominiquette Barrère, Blandine Barrère, Jeanne Duffo, Eulalie Barrère and Marie Barrère, it is a cascade of pretty French names.
These young people, with the guidance of father Bazerque later with Bishop of Tarbes, Bishop Laurence started their convent on 14th August, 1843. Life in community having been inaugurated at the time of the first Vespers of the Assumption, it is on 15th August, that the congregation henceforth solemnly celebrates the anniversary of its foundation.